
I am the founder and host of Money & Macro Media, where I produce economic analyses. Our videos are published on YouTube, Spotify and Nebula.

Before starting Money & Macro Media, I was a lecturer at the University of Groningen, where I also obtained my PhD.


Working papers


In 2018, I was awarded the Dutch University Teacher Qualifications degree by the University of Groningen. This degree demonstrates a proven ability to both develop and teach university level courses and is recognized by all other Dutch universities.

I have helped design and taught several years for the following two courses.

  1. Decision making in a complex and uncertain world, on Futurelearn.

    I am the host of the Money & Macro YouTube show. I used to lectur at the Faculty of Economics and Business from the University of Groningen. My research is primarily focused on using agent-based computational models to study financial stability and the Covid-19 pandemic. I defended my dissertation titled “Agent-Based Simulations of Monetary Policy and Financial Markets” at the University of Groningen on the 11th of June 2020. Below, you will find a brief overview of my teaching experience. I have also included a links to my social media, full academic CV and contact details.


In 2018, I was awarded the Dutch University Teacher Qualifications degree by the University of Groningen. This degree demonstrates a proven ability to both develop and teach university level courses and is recognized by all other Dutch universities. Starting before that, I have been actively involved in the development of several online courses on the Coursera and Futurelearn platform. Furthermore, I have helped design and taught several years for the following two courses.

  1. Decision making in a complex and uncertain world, an online course for University of Groningen.
  2. Global Finance & Growth, a master course at University of Groningen.
  3. International Financial Markets
  4. International Banking & Finance

Contact me
